“Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.”
Albert Camus
dead roses
The Cycle

It all started with the curse of my tits. Women’s bodies are cursed. Everyone tries to look at them, everyone tries to ignore them.

The Bird That Carried One Hundred Messages To America

At the end of the meeting, the villagers agreed to contribute shillings and pounds to sponsor Elochi to a university in America.

Sisters of the Divine Apparatus

The day does not conclude with the gentle exhale of the earth, but with Mother Superior flipping the hourglass over, again.

sun in clouds
The Rapture

I don’t know why I was still talking about the rapture. I certainly didn’t believe in it. Regardless, it remained a thief…


The young boy goes to bed and kisses his mother goodnight. He goes to bed and closes his eyes and wishes his family good sleep.

Caricature of B. Lovely

I point my camera towards B. Lovely and she is sitting on the curb.

The Rupture

Before the headaches began, I thought myself sturdy: firm in my foundations, set square like a saltbox house.


She turns her back for me to fasten the rows of metal hooks. Why isn’t our small, tender freedom enough?


To be encased, Clint had always thought, was foolishness. Why allow yourself to be open to such sorrow?

Your Glass Mouth

A tortured simper uncoils itself across my mouth as I open another bottle of Penis wine.

A Eulogy For the Boy I Don’t Love

The most entertaining thing about Miguel is that when he was 13 he dislocated his shoulder playing basketball and can now pop it in and out of place. There is nothing particularly interesting about Miguel.

The Perfect Love

She said I would find my perfect love when on the brink of death.

Dead History

Another image rises to us both: A man hunched before a TV, watching historical documentaries, correcting incorrect facts. Rasputin was not a priest, damn it.


Jenna says that he typically goes for redheads, so I run to Target and buy a box of hair dye.

You and Jane

You’ve been dreading this day since the moment you found out you were pregnant—perhaps even before.

Out of the Harbor and Into the Open Sea

I’d never heard of anyone having a second baby right after the first one, but everything was so strange in those early days of motherhood that I just acted on instinct.

Behind This Fence in Future Tense

My new neighbor is making a violin from a cigar box. He got the cigar box from a guard. The guard, presumably, got it from outside the Fence.

The Drift

And then he feels that familiar sensation of drifting—when his body untethers from the material world and he soon dissolves into a fine, floating mist that evaporates into the atmosphere.

Darkness always follows.

The Whole Vile Lot

I eat my Oreos with relish. No—I mean I relish in the Oreos I eat.

Little Cow

A man with a fistful of showbags said, “That cow sounds like a person trying to sound like a cow.”

Share some abandon.
