The day does not conclude with the gentle exhale of the earth, but with Mother Superior flipping the hourglass over, again.
Through the dusty window in my parent’s bedroom, I watched the neighbor’s cattle graze.
I run with a pack of older boys from our neighborhood, the only girl.
Jenna says that he typically goes for redheads, so I run to Target and buy a box of hair dye.
Sitting at the bar on Pacific Avenue. With the seashells in the walls. Same bartender from last year, still here, making the same lethal Mai Tais.
With great reluctance, I agree to meet a cousin for an outside lunch…
At the end of the meeting, the villagers agreed to contribute shillings and pounds to sponsor Elochi to a university in America.
None speak of how the streets collide in coarse seams like scars, the fresh cobbles unable to level with the ones shaken from their mortar by uncountable seasons.
We said, Heck, that’s really something.
He used to hold my hand on Commonwealth. I wonder sometimes if he ever still thinks about my mouth.
The weeks go like this: accepting, horny, hopeful, sad. I’m four different people trying to establish one perspective on a major life event – on the creation of life itself.
The new octopus at the children’s aquarium was named Athena, and as we waited for her to emerge, I thought of the almost-too-faint second line on the pregnancy test three days before.
On the first day of our new life together, my husband realized that I was not interested in theoretical debate. He said it was okay by him and went out to get some pancake mix.
A man with a fistful of showbags said, “That cow sounds like a person trying to sound like a cow.”
You’re joking, I say, interrupting the steady bumping of the doctor’s bushy white mustache.
Another image rises to us both: A man hunched before a TV, watching historical documentaries, correcting incorrect facts. Rasputin was not a priest, damn it.
Kate Winslet always reminded me of my mom. Maybe that’s why, even to this day, I get defensive of Rose from Titanic when people call her stupid or shallow…
Sex is not a thank you card in this house.
I’m dancing with my best friend’s husband, under the influence of his jaws and thighs.
Infant’s Name: A
Delivery Date: August 1, 2002