Sadness is a Sin
by Javeria Hasnain
You see a bird and it sees you back.
A squirrel looks at you in awe as you do not share with her your strawberry.
A woman screams & screams & screams.
یہ تمنا ہے کہ آزاد تمنا ہی رہوں
The desire is to remain desireless.
If my life was the size of my arm, I would stretch it out for you.
If my arm was the size of my heart, I would cut it out for you.
Tininess lives in me.
Tininess is a sin too.
Isn’t it crazy that you meet someone & they have already lived a life.
I have lived so many lies.
I thought poetry could help me speak the truth.
How childlike of me.
No child likes me.
I like everyone,
especially when I’m drunk.