issue 4

The Nightmare of the Waking World

“The woman was a catastrophe,” Carlos told me at the time. “But she was as honest as my face is ugly.”

Trauma Feast


Making Israeli Salad

Now that the Israeli has left, it falls
on me to make the salad.

In Rare Cases…

You’re joking, I say, interrupting the steady bumping of the doctor’s bushy white mustache.

love poem with dead leaves & color

I would always rather be happy than
dignified. Rather held than held
in awe.

Pit Stop in Kansas

we drove on through
the blue seal of morning as the turbines
turned and winked out their hearts

You and Jane

You’ve been dreading this day since the moment you found out you were pregnant—perhaps even before.

Big Sur Impossible

How do you even know when you’re there—at the epicenter?

Getting Postcards From a Piano Showroom

The two of us toast to a man we both love, to whatever degree, clink our glasses and laugh…

Damn Good Listener

I know you shouldn’t keep wild animals as pets, but I’ve had the same spider in my bathroom sink for over two weeks.

Drowning in sky

I have observed, the theorist
I am


my father holds
his favorite drink

The love of my life moved from portland to new england

He has stories that I am not in
anymore. It’s healed this way.

Little Cow

A man with a fistful of showbags said, “That cow sounds like a person trying to sound like a cow.”


Ma wrings
a wet world
of colors


To be encased, Clint had always thought, was foolishness. Why allow yourself to be open to such sorrow?

Going Broke

Winter sat like a wolf
on the horizon.


Live the rest of your life
from one worst case to another.