Abandon Journal is looking for a few intrepid souls who wish to add their voices to the dark morass of the literary world. There is no glory. There is no pay. There is only pain, and sadness. Join us, yes?
If you love contemporary poetry, fiction, nonfiction, flash, and experimental hybrid work that abandons form, then you might enjoy becoming a reader for Abandon Journal. We’re looking for help with slushing through our slush pile, 3-4 hours per week (or more, if you’d like). Drop us a line at phillip@abandonjournal.com and let us know a little about yourself, what you’d like to read (poetry, short fiction, flash, longer stuff, etc.), and why you’re interested in joining the ranks of the abandoned. For poetry readers, please let us know a few contemporary poets you enjoy reading.
We are currently not taking applications for editorial positions, but please feel free to check back periodically. However if you’re interested in joining our staff as a reader or in acquiring book reviews and interviews, see our other listings.
Interviews & Book Reviews
If you have an interest in conducting insightful interviews and acquiring book reviews, send us a note at phillip@abandonjournal.com. We’re looking for someone who loves to talk to people and wants to showcase awesome books that people may not know about. We’re also not opposed to the occasional literary take-down, if it’s warranted (and funny).