Pop Trompe L’oeil
by Amy Nelder
I call my primary still life work Pop Trompe L’oeil – still life all the time inspired by scenes of our domestic life. My painting process became inextricably intertwined with the messy but romantic moments of my marriage and parenthood. To this day, I see the world in still life, catching moments of light on a gorgeous corner of tinfoil on a cookie tray; mesmerized by the curving refractions of a bag of chips through the orange juice glass; endlessly inspired by the luscious play of dark and undulating light on chocolate cake icing and the reflections of items on a table or the round curve of a half-full red wine glass. But, there has to be a story, and usually, that story is mine. I hope to continue to convey the subtle but meaningful layers of simple human interaction in ways that bring people to an appreciative consideration of the joys, and ironies, of the less-advertised moments in our lives – and to continue to grow in strength, intention, and invention as a painter of highly realistic still life. My realism comes from a place of meticulous, self-satisfying obsession – I am both a colorist and realist, and I paint to satiety.