Mom, in Her Dementia, Steals Oranges
by Sally Bellerose
and apples, mackintosh mostly, but any kind left in The Pub
at the Assisted Living Place
She lost her son to kidney cancer
The oranges are navel with the thick peel, or sometimes clementine
Bananas she steals at any stage of ripeness
She lost her husband, back and forth they went, to dialysis, for years
The fruit, free for the taking
is not meant to be liberated in unlimited quantity
Fruit flies are her roommates now
The residential director speaks to me about Mom’s pilfering
A sign appears in The Pub: Choose one. Leave the rest for others to enjoy
Mom loses Jeanne, the last of her close friends
The oranges from the tiered fruit bowl in the activities room go missing
Mom smiles and sits on fermenting citrus stashed in the compartment
under her walker