The State School 1984
His Given Name Was Wilbur We Called Him Magpie
by Sally Bellerose
A nice guy a staff favorite
nicknamed for his wild and random appetite
The administration tried to ban pet names
but only the least loved did not receive a second handle
The unit director announced there would be a mandatory training
for caregivers concerning Wilbur’s pica disorder
after breakfast on Tuesday at 10:45 a.m.
in the small dining hall where Wilbur ate what the State School served
Before the caregivers, professionals and nonprofessionals, arrived
Magpie had eaten the sheet of paper the announcement was written on
and the tacks used to secure the announcement
The oak frame of the bulletin board was gnawed but otherwise intact
Magpie had a big set of teeth A quick smile No speech
Mostly he ate what was put on his plate
snuck coffee grounds or dirt for a snack
Once a zipper Unzipped