abandoned poems
Should have found a job by now; should have slept in the night; should have boiled old coffee before noon.
I tap at the alphabet while a single deer taps at the dirt beyond the brush on the far side of the tree line.
Even as the sun warms the concrete the long nights’ sensual cold lingers in my clothes.
Just starlight and some small scribbling across vinyl.
I buy too much, for someone of my stature. could pawn a skinny metaphor to purchase a plump skin. its reputed in our lineage— to daydream a life that shreds our pockets.
and apples, mackintosh mostly, but any kind left in The Pub at the Assisted Living Place
Mostly he ate what was put on his plate snuck coffee grounds or dirt for a snack Once a zipper Unzipped
Gravel-scatted hell & we were blessed to be able to hold on for even a heartbeat
I like to think I’m also sprung, released from the furnace knocks, done with the heavy meat stews and salty soups.
In my universe, my arm carries a heart and flowers, my back a misguided quote
Any still figure at mid-late evening, when the long shadows make even crumbs appear arranged like furniture.
We stop doing dishes while a mile unwinds from the tree outside.
I don’t know why I’m in the garden kneeling on dirt
I count my homes— those of my scattered youth the sanctuary of our young family the intermittent rest stops of apartments and vacations.
I suffer visions and many indignities while looking for the Lobster
how does an afternoon turn on its axis?
this is what I want you to to see: leaves falling because it is too late for them not to
Yes I am guilty, I’m guilty. A sin was desirable then. Bring the dancer back to the stalks.
I am still waiting for the lion
You said it was okay to blame what goes wrong on the planet