
abandoned poems

Dis Place Ment

People have always coped with flooding, and they learned to cope with death.

3:17 AM as Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks

Part of being a good sad person
is always painting the shadows
in the right direction and knowing
what sorrow to art with.

woman at bar
After She Told Me You Pushed Her Down the Stairs

Empty vessels
make the most sound, I think,
as you rip the fairy lights off the handrail.

[Zoetrope with Particulates in it and a Newborn]

and then her eyes fully opened — blazed through with strands of mud

On Undressing a Color / On Undressing a Girl

I imagine that undressing a color, though, would be so much like peeling a memory away from the grey and the white matter of your brain.

melting ice cap
blue is the color of surrender

you know that
baby swallows make silver ripples
in wild rivers to court reeds?

heavy rain
The Plot

Long after midnight, we’re talking about our first time

Several someones

a folksome, gruesome opera
of gauze and malcontent.

Observer of the Patient

Her brown eyes,
how a fig
considers itself.

i do not want to wait until it’s too late

the strands of your hair on the bathroom tiles aren’t sketching defeat. that’s you spitting disease in the face with another day you’ve woken up to.


Okay, picture this: We’re in an elevator. The elevator shuts down. It doesn’t matter where we’re going, only that we’re alone.

You can’t make them love you, no matter how artfully you betray yourself

Try not to see your own predicament in every fucking thing.

oh Manifesto

The collective
of ethical standards

Soft Porn and Cuban Pine

It recommended
soft porn, as gentle prodding and petting parent
to parent might calm and soothe the kid.


my friends’ fathers are
I mean dying
like flies


Long after midnight, we’re talking about our first time