Familiar Territory

Could someone hating you really cause a physical unease? Sure, why not.

Like dirt

this is what I want you to to see:
leaves falling because it is too late for them not to

Capturing Time in Nature

Vistas from the American Southwest, catching the light and design in all its strangeness and beauty.

There’s No Such Thing As Expired.

A series of photos taken with expired film.

A Hundred Stories

Taking photographs of my hometown has given me a chance to reflect on people whom I have not valued.

What Do People Do All Day?

What possible use is this lengthy childhood? Surely there would be a selective advantage in maturing earlier, so children are less vulnerable to predation and mothers are freed up to have more children?


I feel somewhat bad about using the death of my father as an excuse to prolong my trip.

Ode To the Dove Pt. VI (Avrom Sutzkever)

Yes I am guilty, I’m guilty. A sin was desirable then.
Bring the dancer back to the stalks.

close up of sun
Mercury in Retrograde

You said it was okay to blame
what goes wrong on the planet

artwork with Venus
Light Pencils

The weeks go like this: accepting, horny, hopeful, sad. I’m four different people trying to establish one perspective on a major life event – on the creation of life itself.

Hide & Woman Begs With Child

Adrienne Christian is a poet, writer, and fine art photographer.

Greetings From Baja California!

Sitting at the bar on Pacific Avenue. With the seashells in the walls. Same bartender from last year, still here, making the same lethal Mai Tais.

Electric Eels, Finishing School, Teeth

Millions of Americans have been affected by identity theft. It’s probably the greenhouse gases.

Patriarchy U.

what ur female protagonist needs is for some guy to beat the shit out of her…

painting of apple and grapes
Feast Of

anger, like you can sink teeth into, candy apple

Pleasure That Cannot Be Felt as Such

I loved Rena as much as a patient could love their gynecologist. We had tea together in her office. I cried when she asked how I was doing, and she showed me pictures of her terriers.

homecoming king and queen
Point Pleasant

Hitting up homes peopled by those with nothing much to lose was an easy score. The less you had, the less likely you were to defend it. But this home was different. Its residents had a lot to lose and the will to fight for it.

view of earth from space
The Scattering

Allanson looked out of the viewport, at the ragtag flotilla of ships trailing behind, some of them slow to catch up. It was to be expected with the little time that they’d had to cobble the fleet together.

Welcome To The House of Static

here is the sky in stop motion, flickering,
a still shot in monochrome