“Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.”
—Rita Dove

If America is Babylon / and you are an exile / newly arrived among pagans / Catholic, ‘Ngolan, Black, woman / you already know how to pray

Letter To a Young Poet

Do not say anything anybody else has said ever. Things are not “bleached by sun.”

Aging Punks

Every so often, they add a tattoo
in honor of some long-forgotten love.

love poem with dead leaves & color

I would always rather be happy than
dignified. Rather held than held
in awe.

i do not want to wait until it’s too late

the strands of your hair on the bathroom tiles aren’t sketching defeat. that’s you spitting disease in the face with another day you’ve woken up to.

Ode To the Dove Pt. VI (Avrom Sutzkever)

Yes I am guilty, I’m guilty. A sin was desirable then.
Bring the dancer back to the stalks.

All In

I don’t
know why
I’m in the garden
kneeling on dirt

Electric Eels, Finishing School, Teeth

Millions of Americans have been affected by identity theft. It’s probably the greenhouse gases.

3:17 AM as Edward Hopper’s Nighthawks

Part of being a good sad person
is always painting the shadows
in the right direction and knowing
what sorrow to art with.

The Body is a Sin

The sin is existing.

“Artifact,” as Translated from Gluberhöff’s Lexicon

Any still figure at mid-late evening, when the long shadows make even crumbs appear arranged like furniture.

robertson quay

how does an afternoon turn
on its axis?


my father holds
his favorite drink

The love of my life moved from portland to new england

He has stories that I am not in
anymore. It’s healed this way.

heavy rain
The Plot

Long after midnight, we’re talking about our first time

On the Night Row-Houses Across the Street Catch Fire

You let the yellow glow
from eye sockets. The building up the street
is burning faster and faster.

Snow Falls from Branches

Should have found a job by now; should have slept in the night;
should have boiled old coffee before noon.

Finding My Fix

I slumped in front of a massive desk, a passive patient corroded with failure and dread.

Clueless & Briefly Gorgeous

I buy too much, for someone of my stature.
could pawn a skinny metaphor to purchase a plump skin.
its reputed in our lineage— to daydream a life that shreds our pockets.

There is an alternative universe

Ghosts for hire, whispers in her mouth,
cysts to feel, the symmetry of a gift.