“Poetry is language at its most distilled and most powerful.”
—Rita Dove
painting of apple and grapes
Feast Of

anger, like you can sink teeth into, candy apple

The Man

the man is stayed bent over the canvas
of my sofa. the man is me the man is him
self and I bring down the whip…

A Beautiful Thing

I want to roll in this moment until I become its vocabulary
until I smell like the bones
until I am its echo…

Unerased | Steep Steps

My grandmother asked, “Does it feel like being widowed?”


Listen to me: I know
the winter gloom in

Snow Falls from Branches

Should have found a job by now; should have slept in the night;
should have boiled old coffee before noon.

Getting Postcards From a Piano Showroom

The two of us toast to a man we both love, to whatever degree, clink our glasses and laugh…


you quit wearing pants
loaf around your yard
in hole-nipped panties


Live the rest of your life
from one worst case to another.

Observer of the Patient

Her brown eyes,
how a fig
considers itself.

Clueless & Briefly Gorgeous

I buy too much, for someone of my stature.
could pawn a skinny metaphor to purchase a plump skin.
its reputed in our lineage— to daydream a life that shreds our pockets.


my friends’ fathers are
I mean dying
like flies

Fallout Shelter

I imagined a cascade of slow death for all / that mattered…

On Undressing a Color / On Undressing a Girl

I imagine that undressing a color, though, would be so much like peeling a memory away from the grey and the white matter of your brain.


You’ve spent a lifetime training
for this.

Welcome To The House of Static

here is the sky in stop motion, flickering,
a still shot in monochrome

Finding My Fix

I slumped in front of a massive desk, a passive patient corroded with failure and dread.

On the Night Row-Houses Across the Street Catch Fire

You let the yellow glow
from eye sockets. The building up the street
is burning faster and faster.